About the Orthopaedics WA Practice

Our Clinics

Wexford Medical Centre
Photograph of Wexford Medical Centre, St John of God Hospital, Murdoch
Suite 15, Wexford Medical Centre
St John of God Hospital Murdoch
3 Barry Marshall Parade
Murdoch WA 6150
Mt Lawley Medical Centre
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Suite 113, Mt Lawley Medical Centre
Ellesmere Road
Mt Lawley WA 6050
Murdoch Square
Stacks Image 9402
Suite 205, Tower C
44 Barry Marshall Parade
Murdoch WA 6150


Our office hours are: 9am–5pm, Monday to Friday.
We are closed on public holidays.


For an appointment

Phone: (08) 9312 1135 • Fax: 08 9332 1187 • Email us

We are pleased to see insured and self-funding patients, as well as Veterans Affairs patients. Motor vehicle insurance and workers’ compensation referrals will be considered.
Gap payments
There may be a GAP for procedures with some surgeons and some health funds, which will be disclosed if surgery is planned but enquire when booking appointments.
What to bring
Please bring with you to the appointment:
  • A referral from your GP or specialist doctor in order to be eligible for a rebate from Medicare. Backdating of referrals is illegal.
  • Medicare or Veteran Affairs card.
  • Your health fund information.
  • Claim number for MVIT or workers compensation.
  • Operation records, medical records, X-rays, MRIs, CT scans etc. from previous doctor visits.
Murdoch Square

Important Hospital information

If you have been treated or are being seen by our specialists at another hospital, please contact that hospital directly for further advice or appointments.
A list of hospital contact information is shown here.
Practice Head Office
Orthopaedics WAMurdoch
Suite 15, Wexford Medical Centre
3 Barry Marshall Parade
Murdoch WA 6150
Tel: (08) 9312 1135
Fax: (08) 9332 1187
Email Us

Orthopaedics WAMt Lawley
Suite 113, Mt Lawley Medical Centre
Ellesmere Road
Mt Lawley WA 6050
Tel: (08) 9312 1135
Fax: (08) 9332 1187
Email Us

NOW OPEN: Murdoch Square
Suite 205, Tower C
44 Barry Marshall Parade
Murdoch WA 6150

Office Hours: 9am–5pm
Monday to Friday (closed public holidays)
Related links:
OrthoLegal WA
OrthoLegal can help you by providing medico-legal reports for use in legal proceedings.…
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