Mr Simon Wall

Orthopaedic Surgeon
BSc, MBBS, FRCS Eng (Tr & Orth), FRACS (Ortho)
Hip and knee replacement and revision surgery, knee arthroscopy and ligament reconstruction and orthopaedic trauma.
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Quick facts
Mr Wall operates privately from St John of God Murdoch and Mt Lawley Hospitals. He has public appointments at Fiona Stanley Hospital, where he is a Head of Department, and Fremantle Hospital, as well as in the Great Southern at Albany Hospital. He consults privately at Murdoch, Denmark and in Albany.

His Practice Manager is Kate. Please call her on 08 9312 1135 for all appointments.
Or email:

Dr Wall's special interests include:
  • Hip and knee replacement
  • Revision hip and knee replacement
  • Knee arthroscopy and ligament reconstruction
  • Lower limb orthopaedic trauma
  • Sports Injuries

Dr Wall offers a No Gap service with the major health funds. (NOTE: The anaesthetist will charge a gap fee)

He welcomes privately insured and Veterans Affairs patients.

Please call our friendly team for more information. Tel: 08 9312 1135
Practice Head Office
Orthopaedics WAMurdoch
Suite 15, Wexford Medical Centre
3 Barry Marshall Parade
Murdoch WA 6150
Tel: (08) 9312 1135
Fax: (08) 9332 1187
Email Us

Orthopaedics WAMt Lawley
Suite 113, Mt Lawley Medical Centre
Ellesmere Road
Mt Lawley WA 6050
Tel: (08) 9312 1135
Fax: (08) 9332 1187
Email Us

NOW OPEN: Murdoch Square
Suite 205, Tower C
44 Barry Marshall Parade
Murdoch WA 6150

Office Hours: 9am–5pm
Monday to Friday (closed public holidays)
Related links:
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